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2012-11-26 , 7:50 a.m.

After I realized my hasty departure was my thing.

I apologized. I explained.

And still... silence.

Silence that had started before my magic trick.

Silence from him, that was usually followed by an excuse about why he dissapeared and ignored my attempts at communication in this so easily contact-based world.

Still. Silence.

So, it's not just my thing.

And then, I happened upon this comment:

February 8, 2012 at 4:35 pm

"You have to realize that it IS him with the problem HE left you because he lusts after new love it is an addiction that he will have to deal with you are collateral damages that he doesn�t care about not just you but every person he has done this to you are not damaged goods he is, not that what I am saying will stop the pain and it isn�t possible to stop loving someone unless you never truely loved them to begin with. The length of time it takes you to get over him depends on you accepting that you did everything you could and then some and realizing that no matter what you give he isnt emotionally mature enough to appreciate it."

It was a response to a woman's plight about her 3-year relationship with a man who was stringing her along and emotionally unavailable.

But it was SO simplistic, articulate, and perfect.

It eased my mind, healed a little bit of my heart.

I'll be ok.

I wish I could thank the semi-anonymous "Brian".

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