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2005-08-30 , 12:27 a.m.

...the irritation and frazzled nerves that seemed to have plagued me the past three days has subsided.

The emotions replaced by a gentle, not quite numbness. An almost contentment. A malady that can be defined by the typically untelling phrase: "I'm fine".

And I am.

I feel contained. In control. Functioning.

Humor is not lost on me. Laughter is welcome. Smiles come easy.

Things may pile... guilt and stress may try to enter my psyche, fill my soma... but it's carelessly blown away with a sigh and a flick of the wrist.

The bigger the sigh, the bigger the burden. But no matter the size, the end result is the same.

Not quite numbness.

An almost contentment.

And I feel fine.

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